WORTH A TRY! How to Make Beef & Rice Bake (Nasi Panggang Daging)

Beef & Rice Bake (Nasi Panggang Daging)

Hello everybody, I hope you are having an amazing day today.it’s Dora Yates. Today, I will show you a way to make a special dish, beef & rice bake (nasi panggang daging). It is one of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I’m gonna make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

The first thing which you want to master is the different terminology you will find in recipes actually means. There are lots of brand new and at times foreign sounding terms that you will find in common recipes. These terms may mean the difference in recipe success or failure. You need to find a way to detect a good section in virtually any inclusive cookbook that explains different definitions for unfamiliar terminology. If you aren’t absolutely sure what’s meant with”folding at the eggs” it really is in your best interests to check it up.

Additionally you will find as your own experience and confidence grows that you will see your self increasingly more regularly improvising as you proceed and adjusting meals to fulfill your personal preferences. If you’d like more or less of ingredients or want to create a recipe a little less or more spicy in flavor you can make simple alterations along the way in order to achieve this objective. Quite simply you will start in time to create recipes of your personal. And that’s something that you may not of necessity learn when it has to do with basic cooking skills to beginners however you would never know if you didn’t master those basic cooking skills.

Beef & Rice Bake (Nasi Panggang Daging) is one of the most popular of recent trending meals on earth. It is easy, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It’s appreciated by millions every day. They are nice and they look fantastic. Beef & Rice Bake (Nasi Panggang Daging) is something which I have loved my whole life.

To get started with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can have beef & rice bake (nasi panggang daging) using 11 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Beef & Rice Bake (Nasi Panggang Daging):
  1. Take 1 cup beras (tanpa rendam, tanpa bilas)
  2. Take 1,5 cup air
  3. Make ready 300 gram daging sapi potong dadu kecil (pilih yg has dalam/tenderloin)
  4. Prepare 1 buah bawang bombai ukuran sedang potong dadu
  5. Make ready 2 siung bawang putih cincang halus
  6. Prepare 100 gram saus marinara siap pakai (atau saus spageti favoritmu)
  7. Take 2 sdm saus barbecue (misal: del monte)
  8. Make ready 1 sdt cabai bubuk
  9. Make ready Secukupnya garam dan merica
  10. Get Secukupnya keju cheddar parut
  11. Get Secukupnya minyak goreng
Instructions to make Beef & Rice Bake (Nasi Panggang Daging):
  1. Panaskan oven pada 180 derajat celcius.
  2. Bumbui daging dgn garam dan merica secukupnya, lalu pan sear (tumis) di panci dgn api besar hingga permukaannya kecokelatan. Tidak perlu hingga daging matang. Angkat dan taruh di wadah. Sisihkan.
  3. Kecilkan api menjadi sedang. Di panci yg sama, tumis bawang bombai dan bawang putih hingga harum dan transparan.
  4. Masukkan beras, aduk rata dan tumis sebentar. Masukkan saus marinara, saus barbecue, dan cabe bubuk. Tumis dan aduk rata kembali. Pastikan kalian men-scrap bagian dasar panci agar tercampur dgn bahan lain, karena bekas tumisan daging tadi dpt menambah cita rasa.
  5. Masukkan air, aduk rata, masukkan kembali daging beserta jus yg terkumpul, bumbui dgn garam dan merica lalu biarkan mendidih. Setelah mendidih, tutup panci, lalu masukkan di oven. Pastikan panci dan tutupnya tahan panas.
  6. Panggang selama sekitar 45 menit atau hingga nasi matang dan semua cairan terserap nasi.
  7. Keluarkan dari oven, lalu dgn menggunakan garpu, aduk2 nasi (di-fluff). Taburkan keju di atasnya, lalu tutup kembali sekitar 5 menit agar keju meleleh.
  8. Sajikan hangat. Enjoy!

So that’s going to wrap it up for this special food beef & rice bake (nasi panggang daging) recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am confident you can make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
