RECOMMENDED! How to Make Nasi Bakar Ikan Suwir Pedas

Nasi Bakar Ikan Suwir Pedas

Hello everybody, I hope you’re having an amazing day is Jayden Gonzales. Today, we’re going to make a special dish, nasi bakar ikan suwir pedas. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I will make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

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Additionally you will find as your own experience and confidence develops that you will find yourself increasingly more usually improvising when you proceed and adjusting recipes to meet your personal preferences. If you prefer more or less of ingredients or would like to generate a recipe a little less or more hot in flavor that can be made simple alterations on the way in order to achieve this goal. In other words you will begin in time to create snacks of your individual. And that’s something that you may not of necessity learn when it has to do with basic cooking skills to novices but you would never learn if you did not master those basic cooking abilities.

Nasi Bakar Ikan Suwir Pedas is one of the most popular of recent trending meals on earth. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It is enjoyed by millions daily. Nasi Bakar Ikan Suwir Pedas is something which I’ve loved my entire life. They are nice and they look fantastic.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook nasi bakar ikan suwir pedas using 13 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Nasi Bakar Ikan Suwir Pedas:
  1. Make ready 750 gr beras (3 gelas)
  2. Make ready 5 bh cabe merah keriting, potong serong
  3. Take 6 btr bawang merah, iris halus
  4. Prepare 3 siung bawang putih, iris halus
  5. Take 1,5 sdt garam
  6. Make ready 12 sdt kaldu bubuk
  7. Make ready 2 btg serai, geprek
  8. Get 4 lbr daun salam
  9. Make ready Sedikit minyak untuk menumis
  10. Prepare 1200 ml air mendidih panas (sesuaikan dgn jenis beras)
  11. Make ready Daun pisang & tusuk gigi (untuk membungkus)
  12. Take Isi:
  13. Get Tuna suwir pedas (kali ini ikan tuna aku ganti ikan keranjang) (lihat resep)
Instructions to make Nasi Bakar Ikan Suwir Pedas:
  1. Buat isiannya dulu. Ikan keranjang/ikan cue/ikan pindang dicuci, dibuang kotorannya dan kepalanya. Goreng jgn terlalu kering. Buang durinya, suwir2 dagingnya jgn terlalu lembut, nanti waktu dimasak akan semakin hancur. Masak spt Tuna Suwir Pedas. - (lihat resep)
  2. Siapkan bahan lainnya. Cuci beras smp bersih, taruh di bowl magicom. Sisihkan.
  3. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih smp layu dan harum. Masukkan potongan cabe merah keriting, aduk2, tunggu smp cabe layu.
  4. Tuang tumisan bumbu iris tadi (bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe merah keriting) ke dlm beras yg telah dicuci (tuang dgn minyaknya sekalian). Tambahkan serai dan daun salam.
  5. Tuangi air panas mendidih. Beri garam dan kaldu bubuk.
  6. Aduk rata. Tutup dan tekan tombol 'cook'. Jika tombol sdh berpindah ke 'warm' (nasi sdh matang), aduk2 nasinya. Tutup lagi, biarkan nasinya tanak.
  7. Ambil sepiring nasi liwet tadi. Siapkan daun pisang dan tusuk gigi (untuk semat). Beri setengah piring nasi liwet di atasnya, ratakan. Beri isian di tengahnya, tutup kembali dgn sisa nasi (setengah piring).
  8. Gulung daun pisangnya, semat salah satu ujungnya dgn tusuk gigi. Berdirikan posisi daun (yg disemat berada di bawah). Dgn bantuan sendok tekan2 nasi dari atas.
  9. Semat ujungnya yg lain. Lakukan smp selesai. Setiap mau membungkus, ukurannya satu piring nasi, jd ambil dulu satu piring nasi liwetnya, baru diisi dan dibungkus. Jadi 1 bungkus = 1 piring nasi.
  10. Bakar nasi di atas teflon, bakar bolak-balik, bakar hanya sebatas memberi aroma daun pisang, tdk usah smp gosong, kalo terlalu gosong nanti nasinya juga terlalu kering.
  11. Hidangkan dgn lalap mentimun dan daun kemangi.

So that is going to wrap it up with this special food nasi bakar ikan suwir pedas recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I’m sure you will make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
